Photon Energy Formula, Calculation, Example

Photon Energy

The amount of energy is proportional to the photon’s electromagnetic frequency, so it is inversely proportional to the wavelength. The higher the frequency of the photon, the higher its energy. Therefore, the longer the photon’s wavelength, the lower its energy.

Photon Energy Formula

Photon Energy formula  E(j) in joule is equal to the planck’s constant h(j/s) in joule per second and multiply the speed of the light  c(m/s) in meter per second and divided by the wavelength of the light λ(N/m) in Newton per meter.Hence the photon Energy Formula can be written as

E(j)=h(j/s)*  c(m/s)/ λ(N/m)


E = photon energy in j

h = Planck’s constant (6.626×10−34 Js)

c = speed of the light in m/s

λ = wavelength of the light in Newton per meter

Photon Energy Calculation:

Example 1

Determine the photon energy if the wavelength is 850nm


Given parameters are

Λ =850nm

C=3×108×108 m/s

h=6.626×10-34  Js

Photon energy formula is given by

E=hc/ λ

E=6.626×10-34 ×3×108 /850×10-9

E=19.878 ×1028 / 850×10-9

E=2.3385×10-17 J

Example 2

If the energy of a photon is 750×10-10 J.determine the wavelength of that photon


Given parameters are

E=750×10-10 J

C=3×108×108 m/s


Photon energy formula is given by

E=hc/ λ

E=6.626×10-34 ×3×108 /750×10-10

E=19.878 ×10 -28 / 750×10-10

E= 2.649×10-16 m

See also  Length Contraction Formula, Calculation, Example

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