UPPCL Electricity Bill Calculator, Per unit Rate, Tariff Order

Namaste ebcalculator viewers!!!

You have reached correct website to understand and calculate your electricity bill charges in one click. Let’s see what is the per unit rate and tariff order in Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) prevailing for the year 2022-23.

Just enter the unit consumption and connected/demand load then press the calculate button to get the UPPCL electricity Bill calculation.

Choose Connection type:  
Total Unit Consumption: kWh
Energy Charges INR
Fixed Charges INR
Total Bill INR

UPPCL Power Tariff 2022-23:

UPPCL has proposed a power tariff to meet their additional expenses for the year 2022-23. However, UPPREC (Uttar Pradesh Power Regulatory Commission) has directed UPPCL to submit revised slab wise power tariff proposal considering the Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR).

Generally, all power corporations classify their customers into various categories based on the voltage levels and amount of electricity they consume. Broadly the household or industries or commercial complexes. Similarly, UPPCL also has classified the customers who buy power from them as below,

  1. Domestic
    1. Below Poverty Line (Low salaried / No salary families)
    2. Customers who’s connected load or energy requirement is less than 50kW (Individual homes)
    3. Customers who’s connected load or energy requirement is more than 50kW (Big apartments)
  2. Commercial (Shops, Shopping malls)
  3. Public Institutions (Govt. hospitals, Govt. buildings / offices)
  4. Private Institutions (Private offices, Private colleges)
  5. Low Tension Industrial (Small industries like fabrication industries)

Now let’s see in detail on the power tariff for the above classifications.

  1. Domestic:

  Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed Charge  
BPL 0-100 3 50 Per kW  
above 100 Below table  
Connected Load Less than 50kW 0-100 3.35  
101-150 3.85  
151-300 5  
301-500 5.5  
>501 6  
Connected Load more than 50kW 0-150 5.5 110 Per kW  
151-300 6  
301-500 6.5  
>501 7  


Below Poverty Line consumers per unit charges are the lowest in this tariff zone. ₹ 3 PU is the tariff if their consumption is below 100 units. If they consume above 100 units an increased tariff shall be applicable for the units above 100.

For example, if an BPL consumer billing is for 120 units. First 100 units shall be calculated at ₹ 3 PU and balance 20 units shall be calculated at ₹ 3.85 PU.

Non BPL or any residential consumer who consume below 100 units shall pay ₹ 3.35 PU.

  • If the consumption is between 101 to 150 units the tariff is ₹ 3.85 PU
  • If the consumption is between 151 to 300 units the tariff is ₹ 5 PU
  • If the consumption is between 301 to 500 units the tariff is ₹ 5.5 PU
  • If the consumption is above 501 units the tariff is ₹ 6 PU

In all the above cases the consumer has to pay 50 per kw as fixed charges in addition to the units they consume.

For the consumers connected load is higher than ₹ 50 kW following tariff slabs will be applied.

  • If the consumption is between 0 to 150 units the tariff is ₹ 5.5 PU
  • If the consumption is between 151 to 300 units the tariff is ₹ 6 PU
  • If the consumption is between 301 to 500 units the tariff is ₹ 6.5 PU
  • If the consumption is above 501 units the tariff is ₹ 7 PU

In all the above cases the consumer has to pay ₹ 110 per kw as fixed charges in addition to the units they consume.

  1. Commercial:

For the commercial customers like shops, super markets, etc., following tariff is applicable.

  Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed Charge
Commercial 0-300 7.5 Load up-to 2 kW
Rs. 330 / kW,
Above 2 kW to 4 kW
Rs. 390 / kW,
above 4 kW
Rs. 450 / kW
300-1000 8.4
>1001 8.75


  • For the 1st 300 units ₹7.5 PU is applicable
  • For the next 300 to 1000 units ₹ 8.4 PU is applicable
  • For consumption above 1001 units ₹ 8.75 PU is applicable

Here we have classification of fixed charges based on the kW applicable for consumer. I.e.

  • ₹330 /kW for connected load up-to 2 kW
  • ₹390 /kW for connected load between 2 kw to 4 kW
  • ₹450/kW for connected load above 4 kW


  1. Public institutions:

Public institutions are majorly govt. or govt. allied companies, like co-operative milk factories, registrar offices, etc.,

Public Institutions
  Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed Charge
Public Institutions 0-1000 8.25 300 per kW
1001-2000 8.5
>2001 8.75


EB bill for public institutions are calculated as per below tariff in three slabs,

  • First lab is ₹8.25 PU is charged for consumption below 1000 units
  • Second slab is ₹8.5 PU is charged for consumption between 1001 and 2000 units
  • Third slab is ₹8.75 PU is charged for consumption above 2001 units

For public institutions ₹ 300 per kW is standard irrespective of slabs


  1. Private Institutions:

As explainer earlier private institutions charges are higher in the overall tariff scheme. All private sectors come under this tariff as tabulated below,

Private Institutions
  Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed Charge
Private Institutions 0-1000 9 Up to 3 kW
Rs. 350 / kWand
Above 3 kW
Rs. 400 / kW
>1001 9.3


  • ₹9 PU is applicable if consumption is between 0 to 1000 units
  • ₹9.3 PU is charged if consumption is above 1001 units

Here the fixed charges are classified into two ranges. ₹350 /kW from 0 to 3 kW and ₹400 /kW if above 3 kW.

  1. LT Industrial:

The final tariff section is Low Tension (LT) industrial power tariff.

LT Industrial
  Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed Charge  
LT Industrial 0-1000 7.3 290 per kW  
0-2000 7.4  
>2001 7.9  


Govt. charges comparatively low per unit charges from industries to encourage businesses and make the operations viable.

  • ₹7.3 PU is charged for 0 to 1000 units
  • ₹7.4 PU is charged for 0 to 2000 units
  • ₹7.9 PU is charged if consumption is above 2001 units

In all the above slabs. Unlike other slab tariffs here, if the consumption limit is crossed next slab is applicable.

For example, is you are consuming 1050 units your applicable PU is ₹7.4 PU. i.e. 1050 units * ₹7.4 works to ₹7770 plus fixed charge.

In this case fixed charges will be ₹290 per kW.

Sample EB bill calculation:

Let say your monthly electricity meter reading is for 600 units and you are a domestic consumer.

Slabs PU Units PU * Units
Slab-1 0-100 3.35 100 335
Slab-2 101-150 3.85 50 192.5
Slab-3 151-300 5 150 750
Slab-4 301-500 5.5 200 1100
A Charges 2377.5
B Fixed Charges 50
A + B Total 2427.5


You have to pay ₹2427.5 as your EB bill.

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